

The Hill: Leader McCarthy to ratchet up assault on regs

“The Leader McCarthy era is under way, and with it a fresh assault on federal regulation… Newly minted Leader McCarthy signaled plans to renew focus on the effort in an op-ed penned for The…

Leader's Blog

McCarthy in the Washington Post: The House Will Work to Restore the American Dream

“Congress works for the American people, and if we are to lead, we must have the wisdom to listen. What we hear is anxiety. Americans have not lost faith in themselves, but they are losing faith in…

Press Release

Local Pastor Roger L. Spradlin Leads House In Opening Prayer

Washington, D.C. – This morning, Pastor Roger L. Spradlin of Valley Baptist Church in Bakersfield led the House chamber in the opening prayer. Pastor Spradlin has been at Valley Baptist since…

Press Release

The House Stands Behind Israel

Washington, D.C. – Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on passage of today’s House resolution to condemn Hamas’s use of innocent civilians as human…

Press Release

A Step Towards a 21st Century VA

Washington, D.C. – Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on passage of the bicameral Veterans Administration (VA) agreement:

“The Veterans Administration has failed…
