
Press Release

The House is Focused on Improving the Economy

For the past six years, America has been stuck in the worst economic recovery since World War II. Hardworking Americans have been struggling with few jobs and low wages. But we have all the makings…

Leader's Blog

American Energy = American Jobs.

America’s energy revolution has revitalized domestic energy production that had been steadily decreasing since the 1970’s and has opened the door for energy independence which was only a dream…

Leader's Blog

Commonsense Bills to Help Small Business

The vast majority of companies in the United States are small businesses, and those small businesses employ the majority of American workers. So when people call small businesses the backbone of…

Press Release

We Stand With Ukraine

We Stand With Ukraine

This morning, a joint session of Congress had the honor of hosting the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. He spoke of Ukraine’s great struggle for freedom and the importance of American…

Leader's Blog Remains Unsecure and Unsafe

Millions of Americans have put their personal information into in an attempt to purchase insurance under Obamacare. Yet, according to the GAO, “weaknesses remained in the security…
