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Congressman Stephen Fincher

Representing the 8th District of TENNESSEE

Social Security Administration

If you are experiencing difficulties with the Social Security Administration with obtaining disability benefits*, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), retirement or other Social Security-related benefits, or if you simply need some help in obtaining documents or any other information, I am more than happy to assist you.

If you are unable to obtain the help you need from the following resources, I’d be more than happy to open a case on your behalf. Before I can begin assisting you, PRIVACY ACT RELEASE FORM (bottom of the page) will need to be completed and sent along with a detailed explanation of your request for assistance.

*Please be aware that if your disability case is pending review at the hearing or Appeals Council level, while I can inquire about the status of the application and/or hearing, I cannot compel the SSA officials reviewing your claim to issue a favorable decision on your case, nor can I can compel SSA officials to expedite the hearing or decision making process. In addition, due to the legal nature of such processes, it is recommended that you work with your legal counsel or a legal assistance organization in preparation for your hearing. It may be a a good idea to review the below link entitled “How does the Social Security Disability appeals process work?” for additional information.


Frequently Asked Questions