
Press Release

McCarthy Statement on SPR Release

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the follow in response to the announcement from the Obama Administration that they will release 30 million barrels of oil from…

Leader's Blog

Senate Democrats’ Stimulus: More Money And High Taxes

Senator Chuck Schumer previewed the Senate Democrats’ latest stimulus bill yesterday, saying it could cost taxpayers upwards of $100 billion dollars. Finance Chair Max Baucus followed up today by…

Press Release

McCarthy: CBO Report Is A Wake Up Call To Washington Democrats

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement reacting to the long-term budget outlook report by the Congressional Budget Office.

“This morning,…

Leader's Blog

Worse Off Under President Obama’s Economy

All –

A Bloomberg poll out this morning paints a bleak picture for the Obama Administration’s economic policies. A majority of Americans believe that they are now worse off under President…

Leader's Blog

Senate Democrats Push For Yet Another Stimulus

Today, Senator Schumer floated spending untold amounts of taxpayer dollars on infrastructure and green jobs as key components of the new “jobs” plan. But there’s nothing new about it. It’s…
