
Press Release

House Republicans Present a Tax Plan

Our current tax code is holding us back, but with this plan, America will experience a rebirth of opportunity and prosperity.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on U.S. v. Texas

This ruling protects the separation of powers enshrined in our Constitution—a foundational principle that has defended and continues to defend the American people from unchecked executive abuses.

Press Release

The House Passes Funding to Fight Zika and Reform the VA

This funding bill will curb the spread of Zika and protect Americans from this dangerous virus. This legislation will also hold the VA accountable and institute reforms that House Republicans have…

Press Release

Statement Responding to HHS Decision on California Abortion Mandate

The Department of Health and Human Services’ conclusion that California’s action does not violate the Weldon amendment ignores the simple truth that requiring a health plan to cease to exist…

Press Release

House Republicans Unveil Health Care Plan

This plan would provide more choice, greater flexibility for consumers, protect the most vulnerable, spur innovation of new medicines and therapies, and preserve Medicare for future generations.
