

Leader McCarthy on CBS This Morning

Today House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy appeared on CBS This Morning with Norah O’Donnell to discuss thoughts on the President’s State of the Union address, as well as ways in which the…

Press Release

The President Needs to Show He Can Work With Congress

I still believe that President Obama can work with Congress if he wants to. But that means abandoning economic policies that aim to divide rather than promote growth, opportunity, and job creation.


Leader McCarthy in National Review Online: Vetoing Bipartisanship

The president hasn’t yet been willing to with Congress on the issues most important to the American people. We hope the president will stop the political games and start engaging with us.

Press Release

What is the President’s Strategy to Combat Terrorism?

Although the Obama Administration sought to declare the war on terrorism over, the terrorists have only increased their assaults against free and moderate societies who do not share their extremist…


Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we join our nation in honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
