
Leader's Blog

Congress Has a Better Energy Plan

For America to succeed—leading the world in safe and abundant energy while also growing our economy—we must embrace the free market principles and spirit of innovation at the heart of our energy…

Leader's Blog

Let’s Get Serious

If the President really cared about reducing emissions without wrapping weights around the neck of our economy, he wouldn’t be pushing costly regulations. Instead, he would embrace the hydraulic…

Leader's Blog

Democrats Raise Concern Over President Obama’s Lack of Strategy to Defeat ISIS

The President needs to face reality and create a strategy that will actually defeat and destroy ISIS instead of letting the threat of terrorism around the globe grow. American security and global…

Press Release

The House Puts America’s Safety First

But being generous does not mean we have to have a weak screening process for refugees, especially for those coming from Iraq and Syria where we know people are there who seek to do us harm are…

Press Release

We Need Fed Reform for a Stronger Economy

The Federal Reserve must be held to the highest standards possible. Its current lack of transparency and accountability, coupled with the unpredictability of its policies, has failed to set the…
