
Leader's Blog

Someone Should Introduce Sen. Menendez To His Party’s New Chairwoman…

Today, Sen. Robert Menendez claimed that Democrats aren’t trying to link their energy tax hikes to lower gas prices. But Sen. Menendez must have missed his party’s new chairwoman, Rep. Debbie…

Leader's Blog

Washington Post Criticizes Obama Administration For Their “Outrageous” Medicare Claims

It’s not a great morning for the Obama Administration’s “inflammatory rhetoric” on proposed changes to save and preserve Medicare for future generations in The Washington Post. In the latest…

Press Release

McCarthy: Statement on Latest Jobs Report

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) issued the following statement regarding the latest employment figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor:

“This morning’s…

Press Release

McCarthy to Obama: Speech is Constitutionally Protected

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is calling on President Barack Obama not to issue an Executive Order designed to limit the speech of organizations that oppose the Obama…

Leader's Blog

There They Go Again…

It’s bad enough that Democrats in Washington are wedded to a policy of driving up energy taxes that will destroy American jobs and increase prices at the pump. But, now, their new chairwoman, Rep….
