
Leader's Blog

The White House’s Energy Trends

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On ABC’s “This Week,” the President’s Chief Economic Adviser Austan Goolsbee admitted last month’s jump in unemployment and weak private sector growth was in part due to sky…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Latest Jobs Report

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) issued the following statement regarding the latest employment figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor:

“This morning’s…

Press Release

McCarthy: Let’s Put People Before Politics and Get This Country Back to Work

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) gave the following remarks in reactiontoemployment figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor showing an increase in unemployment…

Leader's Blog

Democrats Propose More Spending And Higher Taxes

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This morning, unemployment grew to 9.1%, yet the Democrats keep calling for a continuation of their job-destroying agenda, pushing for more reckless government spending and a $1 trillion tax…

Leader's Blog

Two Years Of More Debt & Fewer Jobs

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In the last two years Democrats have added $3.5 trillion dollars to our national debt, and passed a $787 billion dollar stimulus that failed. Since 2008, under the Democrats’ watch,…
