
Press Release

The Bill to Repeal Obamacare and Defund Planned Parenthood is Heading to the President’s Desk

With this bill, we can repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood—this year or the next. And we will.

Press Release

Today We Hold the President Accountable for Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Today is the day the President will have to make a decision not just on Obamacare, but on the funding of Planned Parenthood after millions have watched the horrific videos.

Leader's Blog

President Obama Caves, North Korea Threatens

If Iran can get $150 billion in immediate sanctions relief, the promise of more relief down the line, and a legitimate pathway to a nuclear weapon, why can’t North Korea—a current nuclear…


Reconciliation Is a Great Conservative Victory

Today, the House will pass a budget-reconciliation bill that repeals Obamacare and stops taxpayer funding to abortion providers.

Leader's Blog

The Administration Must Start Holding Iran Accountable

President Obama is so obsessed with having good relations with Iran that he is willing to endure Iran’s repeated demonstrations of bad faith in an attempt to uphold a nuclear agreement that depends…
