
Leader's Blog

President Obama And Democrats “MIA” On The Budget

As House Republicans continue to work to avoid a government shutdown and cut spending, the media has branded President Obama and Democrats “MIA” on the budget for their decision to shun hard…

Leader's Blog

White House Denies Democrats Pushing For Government Shutdown-But All Evidence To The Contrary…

Today, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney claimed that the White House does not believe that Democratic leaders “want a shutdown.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Claimed That The…

Leader's Blog

Carney Falsely Claims That The President’s 2012 Budget Addresses “Drivers Of Our Long-Term Debt”

At today’s briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney claimed that President Obama’s FY2012 budget begins to address some of the “drivers of our long-term debt.”

White House Press…

Leader's Blog

Blue Dog Blames The Democrats For The Current Budget Mess

This afternoon, Blue Dog Rep. Jason Altmire gave an honest assessment about which party is at fault for the current spending dispute in Congress. Rep. Altmire claimed that Democrats “should have…

Leader's Blog

More Democrats Rooting For A Politically-Motivated Government Shutdown

Less than a day after Sen. Chuck Schumer and former DNC Chairman Howard Dean called on Democrats to put party politics ahead of any effort to avoid a government shutdown, more Democrats privately…
