
Press Release

House Votes to Stop Next Wave of Insurance Cancellations

House Votes to Stop Next Wave of Insurance Cancellations

H.R. 3522 actually keeps the President’s promise by going beyond the Obama Administration’s unilateral actions and truly allowing small and large businesses and employees who like their coverage…

Press Release

Never Forget

Never Forget

Today we remember the thousands of innocent Americans who died thirteen years ago while also remembering the four Americans who died on September 11, 2012 while serving our country in Benghazi, Libya.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy: We Must Destroy ISIL

A President who has made ending the war on terrorism the central focus of his foreign policy must now make winning it a priority. I stand ready to work with the President to destroy ISIL, win this…

Leader's Blog

An Honest Government Is Not Too Much to Ask

An Honest Government Is Not Too Much to Ask

“If you like it, you can keep it. Period.” In terms of promises, there was nothing clearer. When tens of thousands of people started losing their health insurance, we all found out that promise…

Press Release

McCarthy Speaks to Stop EPA’s Water Rule on Dry Creeks

McCarthy Speaks to Stop EPA’s Water Rule on Dry Creeks

The EPA’s attempt at an unprecedented power grab will ultimately saddle the hardworking Americans, small businesses, and farmers with new onerous regulatory burdens. Under this proposed new rule,…
