
Leader's Blog


Most Americans would agree that the federal government should not encroach on free speech or play any role in determining what classifies as “social pollution” and “political smears.”


McCarthy lays out agenda for next Congress

In a memo sent to House Republicans Wednesday, McCarthy said that “restoring competence in government” will be a major focus of the GOP in the 114th Congress, which begins in January. “The…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement Regarding Negotiations with Iran

Recent reports have suggested the Obama Administration believes it can negotiate a deal with Iran and provide significant sanctions relief to the Iranian regime without Congressional support. This…

Leader's Blog

Paid to Stay Home

Tens of thousands of government employees have been kept on paid leave for anywhere from a month to several years. That’s not smart government.


Bakersfield Observed: Leader McCarthy: While the world focuses on the Ebola virus, the Central Valley continues to battle Valley Fever

Bakersfield Observed: Leader McCarthy: While the world focuses on the Ebola virus, the Central Valley continues to battle Valley Fever

Progress towards curing Valley Fever was largely off the radar no more than four years ago. Today we have reason to be optimistic that our neighbors who are suffering from this disease could soon…
