Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) gave the following remarks at today’s leadership press conference:

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“Good morning. I want to thank Congressman Todd Young for his work on the 30 hour work week, but there are a couple of points across the country that I want to share.

“I went out in my district and asked to hear the stories. I got it clear across the district, from all different aspects – the private sector and the public sector. My county government has now stopped seasonal workers. My community college has to stop the students from being hired to work in the process. But it’s just not in my district, it’s across the nation. The Labor Department statistic for low-wage workers in December 2013 shows it was the shortest workweek ever, 27.4 hours, lower than during the recession.

“This law is harming America. It’s moving it in the wrong direction, but this week, this Republican House changes the direction.”