From the Conference

Republicans Discuss Jobs Plan Today, Focus on More Trade and Regulatory Repeal

Lower Tax Rates ? Fewer Burdensome Regulations ? Less Debt ? More Trade ? Lower Health Care Costs ? Job Training ? More American Energy 

Senate Republicans called for trade agreements and repeal of job-destroying regulations today in floor debate and at a press conference. 

1)  After stalling for almost three years, President Obama should submit the trade agreements to Congress:

  • Senator Johnny Isakson:

“There's one person in the United States of America standing between us and more job creation, and it's the resident of the White House, President Obama.” (Floor Remarks, 09/14/11)

  • Senator John Hoeven:

When we're talking trade, we're talking jobs … We have got to compete in a global high-tech economy and these trade agreements help us do it.” (Floor Remarks, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Mike Johanns:

It’s going to improve job creation. It is going to improve our opportunity to export our products. It is going to level the playing field. It is going to give our producers the opportunity to reclaim market share that has been lost while we've been waiting for these agreements to come here.” (Floor Remarks, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Pat Roberts:

The three pending trade agreements add up to $13 billion – $13 billion – in additional exports and an estimated 250,000 jobs.” (Floor Remarks, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Roy Blunt:

Don't tell the American people that all we have to do is pass the bill when you know that you have to send the bill up before we pass the bill.” (Floor Remarks, 09/14/11)

2) Congress should halt the administration’s NLRB decision to stop Boeing’s expansion in South Carolina:

  • Senator John Barrasso:

The impact of regulations on our jobs and our economy is a heavy wet blanket on job creation in this country. The president, he has pretty good rhetoric but terrible reality. In the last two months alone, new regulations coming out of this administration total over $18 billion of regulations, and the American people see through it. We want to make it easier and less expensive to create more jobs in this country, and the policies of this administration continue to make it worse.” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Lindsey Graham:

“If the NLRB follows through and shuts down the Boeing facility, no company in the future is going to risk that happening to them. You will just move overseas. So what was about South Carolina is now about the nation as a whole … the biggest winner of the NLRB action will be countries like China.” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Jim DeMint:

“The point of us being here today is appeal to our colleagues for a little bit of common sense in the middle of all this jobs discussion to stop the president and his cronies there at the National Labor Relations Board from killing jobs while we’re trying to create them here and allow the economy to create them. So, our appeal is to Senator Reid and all the Democrats to help us pass this here and shut this down once and for all and allow jobs to grow not only in South Carolina but all across the country.” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Mike Enzi:

It’s time to put the brakes on radicalized federal agencies like the NLRB, which are choking American innovation and job creation with burdensome administrative decisions and new regulations, and this bill takes a positive step towards that goal. The Boeing plant creates thousands of skilled, high-paying jobs for Americans hungry for steady work. The NLRB’s effort to stop Boeing from growing will have chilling consequences on other U.S. companies looking to expand their businesses. This Administration is sending private industry the message: grow at your own risk.” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Lamar Alexander:

While the president is talking about jobs, his administration is making it harder and more expensive to create jobs. The most egregious example of this is the actions of the president’s Nation Labor Relations Board members and commission to stop the Boeing Company from building a plant in South Carolina … The NLRB’s action is making it easier for manufacturers to look at the United States and say, ‘We’re going to build overseas what we sell in the United States.’” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator John Thune:

The NLRB like so many agencies in this government right now is making it more expensive, more difficult, more costly for small business to create jobs … What you have is a federal agency telling a business where they can and cannot do business. His policies are making it more difficult to create jobs; his policies are making the economy worse.” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)

  • Senator Rand Paul:

I have a message for the president: if you’re for job creation, you can’t be against the job creator. I’ve got another message for the president: we’ve got a bill that will help solidify 1,000 jobs in South Carolina. Pass it now!” (Press Conference, 09/14/11)