
Leader's Blog

Debunking Obamacare’s 7 million Enrollees “Success” Story

After two delays by the Administration, on March 31st Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges ended open enrollment with a purported 7.1 million signed up. President Obama declared that “the…


Kevin McCarthy: Chartering a better path for student success

Bill de Blasio is not mayor of Los Angeles. For that, Californians should be thankful. But the hostile approach toward charter schools extends beyond New York City, and that should make communities…


Cooking the Obamacare Stats

You can’t manage what you don’t measure, as the great Peter Drucker used to say, and for the White House that seems to be the goal. Out of the blue, the Census Bureau has changed how it counts health…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Statement on Tax Day

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement regarding Tax Day:

“On April 15, the greatest relief for the American people is that the next tax…


Is Obama Cooking the Census Books for Obamacare?

For several months now, whenever the topic of enrollment in the Affordable Care Act came up, I’ve been saying that it was too soon to tell its ultimate effects. We don’t know how many people have…
