Congressman Tim Huelskamp

Representing the 1st District of Kansas

Huelskamp to School Leaders: Ignore Obama’s Illegal, Radical Mandates

Jun 14, 2016
Press Release

In light of today’s meeting to discuss Kansas’ response to President Obama’s threat to withdraw federal funding for schools that will not compromise the security and privacy of students, Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) sent emails to all ten members of the Kansas Board of Education.

Last week, he sent letters with the same message to the Big First Congressional District’s Superintendents and School Board Presidents, urging them to ignore Obama’s radical agenda.

On May 13th President Obama's Department of Education and Department of Justice issued a so-called “guidance” to all school districts in the country requiring that schools allow students, and perhaps visitors and school employees, to use whatever restroom facilities they desire, rather than the one corresponding to their actual sex. Obama threatened that schools would lose federal dollars or face a costly legal battle for non-compliance.

Huelskamp said the following: “I am urging the members of the State Board of Education to join Attorney General Derek Schmidt in standing up for the rule of law and for our kids. I am encouraging them to ignore President Obama’s re-writing of the law, which he has done without Congress.

“Obama’s edict is not only illegal, but it is putting the well-being, privacy and safety of our children at risk. Neither our girls nor our boys should be forced to undress in the presence of individuals who are of the opposite biological sex. Unfortunately, Obama is willing to coerce our local schools into implementing his radical social agenda.”

In the letters and emails, Huelskamp cited his support for the announcement by the Kansas Attorney General that he would challenge Obama’s illegal actions, “Attorney General Derek Schmidt has already decided to join a lawsuit challenging this new ‘guidance.’ Attorney General Schmidt rightly believes that the Obama Administration “guidance” has re-written Title IX without Congressional action and is therefore invalid because it lacks statutory authority.”

Congressman Huelskamp supports defunding this illegal “guidance” in the Congressional appropriations process and is committed to continuing to look for ways to protect the privacy of all Kansas students in the upcoming school year.

Congressman Huelskamp concluded the letter and emails: “Moving forward, please know you have my full support to set policy for your schools, even if that policy is not in conformity with this Obama ‘guidance.’ These conflicts must, and ultimately will, be resolved by either Congress or the Federal Courts. Until then, I encourage you to stand up to the Obama Administration.”

Find the text: PDF icon06.14.16 Letter to State Board of Education on Obama's Bathroom Guidance.pdf.
