
Press Release

We Can’t Stand Aside While Russia Undermines Our Interests

The U.S. should not stand by idly as Russia attempts to undermine our interests yet again. We need to stop reacting to Putin and start setting the agenda.

Leader's Blog

Strong and Principled Foreign Policy: Iran

The Obama Administration clearly does not share Leader McCarthy’s third principle of foreign policy—that we should stand with our allies and oppose our adversaries—as demonstrated by the…


McCarthy in RCP: The World Is Safer When America Leads

In approaching today’s world, I believe that if we adhere to and apply these principles to our engagement in the world, it will not only keep America safe, but also make the world a more peaceful…

Press Release

No More Forcing States to Support Abortion

The House voted today to give states the power to exclude abortion providers from receiving Medicaid funding in their states.

Leader's Blog

Strong and Principled Foreign Policy: Russia

To respond to Russian aggression, Leader McCarthy advocates a strong, multi-pronged approach using both hard and soft power.
