
Leader's Blog

Bill Clinton Calls On Democrats To Join GOP In Saving Medicare

All –

Earlier this morning former President Bill Clinton called on his fellow Democrats to abandon their plan to “do nothing” on Medicare. President Clinton understands that the Democrats plan…

Press Release

McCarthy: America Must Continue To Support Israel

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement in support of the commitment of the United States government to the US-Israeli partnership.


Leader's Blog

HEAT Launches Web Video – “Fed Up With The Price At The Pump?”

The House Energy Action Team is turning up the heat with a new video detailing the damage done to the economy caused by the Democrats’ job-destroying energy policies. The video opens with the…

Leader's Blog

Medicare Will Go Bankrupt If We Follow Democrat Plan

Washington Democrats have a plan for Medicare – do nothing and allow for the program going bankrupt and for users to lose benefits.

Leader Pelosi Wants Status Quo On Medicare. “We have a plan….

Leader's Blog

No Support For Democrat Plan For Clean Debt Limit Increase

Over the last month House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer has regularly called for a clean vote to raise the debt ceiling despite warnings of the economic harm this could lead to. Stanford economist John…
