Washington, D.C. – Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on passage of H.R. 4719, the America Gives More Act:

“Americans have always been Good Samaritans and good neighbors.  When we see a friend in need, we help and we do so privately and of our own free will. Though government can provide a safety net to ensure a base level of support for those in need, the organizations most effective at helping people on the ground and changing people’s lives are the charities staffed by private American citizens who just want to do some good in the world.

“To date, over 800 charitable organizations have signed a letter in support of the America Gives More Act passed by the House today. This legislation is a combination of five bills offered by Congressmen Tom Reed (NY-23), Jim Gerlach (PA-6), Aaron Schock (IL-18), Mike Kelly (PA-3), and Erik Paulsen (MN-3), which will make permanent many charitable tax incentives that have either expired or are set to expire. Making these tax incentives permanent not only increases funding for charitable organizations, but also provides certainty to these organizations and the millions they serve every day.”