
Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Interior Drought Announcement

McCarthy Statement on Interior Drought Announcement

California is facing the worst drought in over a century, and the Administration just doesn’t get that Californians want to solve this crisis with more water, not by simply treating the symptoms…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement at the Passing of Representative Alan Nunnelee

Alan’s integrity, wisdom, and fighting spirit will be remembered by everyone in this body.

Press Release

House Votes to Reduce Regulatory Burdens on Small Businesses

This bill, H.R. 527, forces agencies to consider the least costly options for getting something done, just like every American has to do in this tough economy. And it makes agencies actually have…

Press Release

More Transparency to Hold Government Accountable

Washington needs reform. And a good place to start is to make sure the people know the true cost of what Washington is doing. No gimmicks. No hidden fees.

Press Release

Majority Leader McCarthy Condemns Brutal Killings by ISIL

We condemn ISIL’s barbaric murders and extend our deepest sympathies to the Japanese and Jordanian people. The United States stands in solidarity with all those who are threatened by ISIL’s…
