
Press Release

Iranian Foreign Minister Interprets the Deal VERY Differently than Obama Administration

The Administration should explain why their interpretation of this deal is, in numerous areas, at odds with the Iranians’. Without a satisfactory explanation, nobody can be sure what deal was…

Leader's Blog

President Obama Owes Our Veterans an Explanation

President Obama Owes Our Veterans an Explanation

The gross incompetence demonstrated by this Administration’s inability to reform the VA is a scandal in itself.

Leader's Blog

Bipartisan Outcry Against Obama’s UN End-Run of Congress

Bipartisan Outcry Against Obama’s UN End-Run of Congress

In the United States, the American government decides our policies, not the United Nations. That fact isn’t partisan.

Leader's Blog

Everyone Has Concerns About the Iran Nuke Deal

Only days after the Obama Administration announced a nuclear deal with Iran, the reviews aren’t good. Concerns are popping up on all corners—from Democrats, Republicans, newspapers, and…

Press Release

The UN Should Not Consider the Iran Deal Before Congress

This Administration has yet to formally submit this agreement to Congress, which sets in motion the 60-day review period, meaning the Security Council resolution could formally approve the nuclear…
