
Leader's Blog

New Polling Confirms Dim View Of Democrats’ Strategy On Deficits And Debt

Two recent polls out confirm that independent voters strongly favor the spending approach taken by House Republicans over President Obama’s approach to the deficit.

In A New CNN/Opinion Research…

Leader's Blog

Democrats Fail To Offer Serious Spending Solutions, Choosing To Protect Their “Activist Government” Priorities

It has been 37 days since House Republicans passed a serious long-term spending plan that will cut spending and help grow our economy. Instead of joining the House in those efforts, Senate Democrats…

Leader's Blog

Senate Democrats Divided Over Efforts To Tackle Long-Term Deficits

While House Republicans are united in passing a long-term budget that is fiscally responsible and allows for future economic growth, Senate Democrats are severely divided over efforts to even begin…

Leader's Blog

Sen. Chuck Schumer Misleads On Senate Budget Actions

Moments ago, Sen. Chuck Schumer made the inexplicable claim that Senate Democrats were the ones putting forward commonsense solutions to avoid a government shutdown.

Sen. Chuck Schumer Claimed That…

Leader's Blog Calls Democrats’ Attacks On The House Republican Budget “Deceptive”

Thirty-eight days ago, House Republicans passed a long-term spending plan that began cleaning up the mess left behind by House Democrats when they failed to pass a budget in 2010. Instead of joining…
