
Press Release

Innovation Initiative to Hold Congressional Forum

Innovation Initiative to Hold Congressional Forum

The FORUM is a unique policy event that will bring together leaders in technology, data, and entrepreneurship.

Press Release

The Obama Administration’s Transactions with Terrorists

This dangerous precedent could pave the way for either additional transactions with Iran or allow Iran to enter the U.S. financial system. That access was not granted in the nuclear deal and it…

Leader's Blog

The House is Making it Easier to Make Goods in America

After yesterday’s markup by the Ways and Means Committee, I have scheduled the Miscellaneous Tariffs bill for the floor next week to be voted on under suspension.

Press Release

With the IRS We Have a Choice: Good Government or Bad

How is it that the agency charged with collecting taxes employs people who don’t pay their own taxes, and that agency does nothing about it? And you wonder why the American people don’t trust…

Press Release

The House Holds the IRS Accountable

The IRS must work to regain the trust of the American people. These bills will help by holding the IRS accountable, making our tax system more fair and transparent.
