
Press Release

Improving Mental Health Care for Veterans

Improving Mental Health Care for Veterans

Honoring his name, the Clay Hunt SAV Act will reform the VA by improving veterans’ access to mental health care resources, helping ensure veterans get the help they need after serving and…

Press Release

We Shouldn’t Be Debating Keystone, We Should Be Building It

2,303 days after the application for Keystone was first submitted to the State Department, we shouldn’t be debating it. We should be building it.

Leader's Blog

The Ruling is in: Only the President is Stopping Keystone

There are no more excuses. The House is voting today to again approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The only thing that can stop the Keystone pipeline now is the President.

Press Release

House Votes to Restore the 40-Hour Workweek

This bill is commonsense. It is bipartisan. But the President has already threatened to veto it. The American people don’t want that. They want solutions, not obstruction.

Leader's Blog

President Obama Chooses Vetoes Over Veterans

It’s time for the White House to stop blocking bipartisan bills that the people want and get to work on real solutions and genuine reform. Don’t drive past the problems, Mr. President. Start…
