
Press Release

The House Sends Keystone to the President’s Desk

The people want Keystone, and today the House is sending a bipartisan bill that approves Keystone to the President’s desk. President Obama can’t hide behind delays and reviews anymore. It’s…

Leader's Blog

The Case For Keystone

For six years the Obama Administration has dragged its feet and delayed this job-creating infrastructure project. The President should reconsider his veto threat and stop obstructing the people’s…

Press Release

Selma Civil Rights Leaders Held America to its Promise

The House gathered today in honor of those civil rights activists who suffered violence while standing for peace. We honor them for holding our nation to the highest ideals, ensuring the true…

Press Release

The President Shouldn’t Veto Bipartisanship

I don’t think the President should veto energy security throughout North America. I don’t think the President should veto charitable giving across the country. I do not think the President…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on the President’s Proposed AUMF to Combat ISIL

The Speaker and I told the President we’d consider his request. I am prepared to support an AUMF that provides new legal authorities to go after ISIL and other terrorist groups. However, I will…
