
Press Release

Kids Win With School Choice

Ultimately, this bill represents what has been at the heart of Speaker Boehner’s leadership. He worked hard every day to bring people together and give the American people the opportunity to…

Press Release

The House Votes to Avoid Default

When the United States makes promises, it keeps them, which is why the House voted today to avoid the threat of a debt default.

Press Release

Vetoing Defense is Irresponsible

Putting our military readiness at risk and blocking reforms our servicemen and women need by vetoing this NDAA is not only irresponsible, it just doesn’t make sense.

Leader's Blog

President Obama Puts Troops in Harm’s Way While Planning to Block Defense Funding Authorization

President Obama should stand with our military, support national defense, refuse to exacerbate our debt, and work with large bipartisan majorities in Congress by signing this bill.

Press Release

The President Should Not Repeat His Iraq Mistake in Afghanistan

I urge the President to keep the current level of forces in Afghanistan for the remainder of his term so that the next President—in cooperation with Congress—has greater flexibility to determine…
