
Leader's Blog

House Opioid Bills are Right on Schedule

Earlier this month, I announced that House committees would craft legislation to fight the opioid epidemic in April so we could vote in May—and I’m happy to announce we’re right on track.

Press Release

Iran Shouldn’t Have Access to the U.S. Dollar

We cannot grant Iran access to the U.S. dollar in any form. Iran supports terrorism around the globe, continues to test ballistic missiles, and commits egregious human rights abuses against the…

Leader's Blog

The IRS: Corrupt and Incompetent

This isn’t a debate about right or left. This is about having good government or bad government. Astoundingly, the President has chosen bad government, defending the inept and dishonest IRS over…


What the IRS is Doing is Wrong and the House is Doing Something About It

IRS employees are getting bonuses but phones aren’t being answered. That’s just wrong.

Leader's Blog

The VA Has the Power to Change. It Still Hasn’t

What is keeping veterans from getting improved care they deserve? Bureaucratic inertia.
