
Press Release

Reforms and Resources our Military Needs

Beyond providing funding for our troops and starting to address the readiness crisis in our military, this defense authorization bill institutes some much needed reforms.

Press Release

The House Takes Action to Turn the Tide Against Zika

After studying the issue and consulting with experts, the House has laid down a path to counter the outbreak, providing funding that we need this year to search for a cure, stop the spread of this…

Press Release

Obama Administration Overtime Rule Hurts Workers

Washington can’t impose higher wages without negative consequences, and this misguided meddling in the economy will hurt the very people who most need help.

Press Release

Majority Leader McCarthy Appointed to Conference on Opioid Legislation

Legislation in the House and Senate will help, from curbing prescription abuse to stopping overdoses to helping those in recovery.

Press Release

A Strong Foreign Policy Starts with a Strong Military

House Republicans have always been and remain committed to a strong American military, an active foreign policy, and continued American leadership in the world.
