
Press Release

We Are Free Only If We Respect Each Others’ Beliefs

Don’t force those who are deeply and morally opposed to something to fund it, support it, or perform it.

Leader's Blog

Why the Conscience Protection Act Hits Close to Home

This is an important bill for all Americans who want to live their lives the way they think is right without fear of losing their jobs or violating the law. But it’s particularly important for my…

Press Release

House Votes to Restore Separation of Powers

This will restore the separation of powers among the branches of the federal government that we all rely on to protect our rights and ensure equal justice for all.

Press Release

TALENT Act Brings Positive Disruptors to Washington

Why is it that we expect more technology from our phones every month, yet tolerate the exact same from our government year after year after year.

Press Release

A Better Way Increases the Well-Being of Every American

We’ve always believed in this Conference to have the wisdom to listen with the courage to lead. A Better Way is just that.
