Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to regulate the Internet like a utility:

“The FCC has just taken the internet—arguably the most dynamic contributor to a growing economy and higher quality of life in the world—back in time to the era of landlines. Today’s vote by the commission to regulate the Internet as if it were Pac Bell is discouraging and risks the freedom of a system that puts instant information and communication at millions of fingertips. 

“While the proposal of this regulation is disappointing, the refusal of FCC Chairman Wheeler to testify in front of Congress and share the proposal with the public ahead of the vote is a stunning rebuke to government transparency. The FCC was created as an agency independent from the political influence of the White House. But the recent timeline of actions by the Chairman suggests that separation has been blurred. The American people deserve that important regulatory decisions are open to thorough scrutiny.

“The committees of jurisdiction will continue to aggressively investigate this issue and conduct extensive oversight.  We will also review legislative options where appropriate.  The Internet is too important to the everyday lives of Americans for such government overreach.”