
Press Release

EPA Overreaches Again on Waters Regulation

EPA Overreaches Again on Waters Regulation

Beyond the economic damage inflicted by the EPA’s rule, the process undertaken by the Administration underscores its flagrant disregard for the democratic process and the voice of the American people.

Press Release

The President Can’t Rewrite the Law

Today, the Fifth Circuit rejected the Obama Administration’s request to lift the injunction against the President’s executive action on immigration, which effectively blocks its implementation.

Press Release

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, we remember the soldiers who gave their lives, their ‘last full measure of devotion,’ so that we could remain free, so that the world would not suffer under tyranny, so that…

Leader's Blog

Another Strong Week in the House

The House continued to move forward this week, passing several major bills to boost innovation, appropriate funding, and secure American leadership in space.

Leader's Blog

An Evening with the Marine Corps

The men and women of the Maine Corps put their lives on the line every day to protect us in an increasingly dangerous world. In honor of Memorial Day, it is important that everyone take a moment to…
