
Leader's Blog

Senate Democrats Continue To Punt On Budget


The Associated Press is reporting that Senate Democrats are putting off drafting a budget because, “Many Democrats want to avoid the tough votes that advancing a Democrats-only budget…

Leader's Blog

Voters Overwhelmingly Opposed To Raising Taxes To Solve Nation’s Deficit Problem

After years of adding trillions of dollars to the national debt and proposing trillions more in new deficits and taxes, Democrats might want to rethink their strategy on the federal budget and…

Leader's Blog

House Democrats Launch New Lies About GOP Plans To Save Medicare

The House Democrats’ campaign arm is at it again with a new, false attack against the House Republicans’ plan to save and preserve Medicare for future generations. After already earning a…

Leader's Blog

Well, That Didn’t Take Long…Leader Pelosi Back To Supporting Plan To Bankrupt Medicare

Just a couple of hours after House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed that Medicare is “on the table” in deficit talks, her office chose to walk back those comments and take efforts to save…

Press Release

McCarthy: More Domestic Production Will Lower Energy Costs & Create Jobs

Washington, D.C. –Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made the following comments at today’s GOP stakeout:

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“As the Leader and the Chairman said, you’ll find…
