
Leader's Blog

Politico: Jobs Bill May Not Get 51 In Senate

President Barack Obama’s jobs plan is at risk of getting less than 51 votes Tuesday evening in the Senate as a handful of politically vulnerable moderates hold out on the president’s signature…

Leader's Blog

President Obama’s Change In Tact

After spending a month barnstorming the country telling Congressional Republicans to “pass this bill now,” President Obama stated his willingness to break his jobs bill into pieces – putting an…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement On House Passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement on House passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act (H.R. 2681):

“House Republicans are…

Leader's Blog

McCarthy Statement On House Passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement on House passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act (H.R. 2681):

“House Republicans are…

Leader's Blog

Political Priorities

As if there were any doubts about the President’s focus on the campaign trail and not on policy, his travel agenda states the obvious.

President Obama Will Barnstorm Swing Districts To Blame House…
