
Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Meeting with Members of the Fix the Debt Coalition

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement regarding a House Republican Leadership meeting with the Honorable Erskine Bowles and members of Fix…

Leader's Blog

WaPo & USA Today Ed Boards Take Dems To Task

House Republicans, led by Speaker Boehner, have put revenue on the discussion table, and in return, have asked the President and Congressional Democrats to find spending cuts and reforms to tackle…

Press Release

GOP Leaders To Meet With Small Business Owners

Washington D.C. – House Republican Leadership will meet with small business owners on Wednesday, December 5th in Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s office, H-107. In announcing the meeting, McCarthy…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Small Business Letter Asking Washington to Solve Fiscal Cliff Through Tax Reform

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement regarding a letter sent to Congressional leadership by a coalition representing millions of small…

Leader's Blog

Cliff Jumpers, Cliff Deniers & The President

Washington Democrats do not seem to have a cohesive strategy to tackle the ‘fiscal cliff.’ A large segment of Congressional Democrats want to take the country over the cliff, and another bloc of…
