
Leader's Blog

McCarthy in ABC: Breaking Education Monopolies

ABC | May 9, 2014

When a grocer sells bad milk, customers are free to shop at another store. If there is no other store, a new one will be opened, promising and providing fresh milk. The first…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Statement on the Establishment of the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding Benghazi

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement regarding House passage of the Establishment of the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Touts Jobs & Opportunity Agenda

Whip McCarthy Touts Jobs & Opportunity Agenda

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) gave the following remarks at today’s leadership press conference: To watch Whip McCarthy’s remarks, click here.


Press Release

Whip McCarthy’s Remarks on Charter Schools Week

Whip McCarthy’s Remarks on Charter Schools Week

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) gave the following remarks at today’s Charter Schools Week press conference:


“Thank you, Mr. Leader. It is said that…

Leader's Blog

‘Many’ of the 8 Million Enrollees are Duplicates

The New York Times unsuccessfully buried some unfavorable news for Obamacare in an article with the upbeat headline “Insurers Say Most Who Signed Up Under Health Law Have Paid.” Insurance…
