From the Conference

President Obama’s “None of the Above” Energy Plan: Higher Gas Prices, Fewer Jobs

President Obama’s “None of the Above” Energy Plan:

Higher Gas Prices, Fewer Jobs

  • When Obama says “All of the Above,” he really means “None of the Above.”
  • President Obama’s energy policies are increasing the cost of gasoline.
  • President Obama has taken unprecedented steps to restrict access to America’s affordable and reliable sources of oil and natural gas.
  • The Obama administration is pursuing new regulations that will increase the cost of domestic energy production and destroy jobs.
  • More domestic production will lower prices at the pump and create American jobs.

President Obama Keeps Campaign Promise to Increase Energy Costs

  • In 2008, then-Senator Obama said that under his policies energy costs would necessarily “skyrocket,” and that he “would have preferred a gradual adjustment” to higher gasoline prices.
  • In 2008, Dr. Steven Chu, now President Obama’s energy secretary, said that “somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”  At that time, retail gasoline prices ranged from $7/gal to $9/gal.
  • Gasoline prices have doubled on President Obama’s watch, from $1.85/gal in January 2009 to $3.72/gal today. 
  • Some analysts are predicting $5/gal gasoline by May.

President Obama’s Energy Policies Restrict Access and Destroy Jobs

  • President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have created 20,000 jobs and delivered up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada, America’s largest trading partner. 
  • President Obama has reduced the number of new offshore leases by half over the next five years.
  • President Obama has blocked exploration and production on 97 percent of offshore areas.
  • Under the Obama administration, new permits to drill in federal onshore and offshore areas have declined by 40 to 50 percent.

President Obama’s Energy Policies Increase Costs of Production

  • The Obama administration is implementing a national backdoor energy tax through unprecedented regulation of greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.
  • President Obama is specifically targeting the oil and gas industry with new regulations such as Tier 3 gasoline standards, which could drive up the cost of gasoline production by up to $.25/gal. 

Republicans Support a Real “All of the Above” Energy Plan

  • President Obama says that he supports an “all of the above” energy plan, but his policies discourage increased production of oil, which accounts for 63 percent of gasoline costs.
  • Republicans support a real “all of the above” energy plan that increases production of all sources of energy and promotes projects like the Keystone XL pipeline that will strengthen North American energy security.
  • A robust national energy plan focused on increased domestic production would send a strong signal to the energy markets and make America less vulnerable to skyrocketing gasoline prices.