
Leader's Blog

The Democrats’ Zero-Calorie Talking Points

Carl Huse of the New York Times presented what he sees as Congress’s “modest proposal:” “To pass spending bills on time.” A modest proposal indeed, considering the House was up past…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Statement on Revised Q1 GDP Report

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on the revised GDP report for the first quarter of 2014:

“Late last month, economic reports showed…

Leader's Blog

EPA Carbon Regulations Kick Us While We’re Down

Does this President just not understand how the economy works? Time and again business leaders and employers say that increased regulations kill jobs. When more time and money are spent adhering to…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Statement on the VA IG Report on Patient Wait Times

“New leadership is necessary to change the harmful culture towards our veterans at the VA. The interim report released today by the Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General confirms…

Leader's Blog

Survey Says… Americans Don’t Like Obamacare

Two new surveys highlight the continued headwinds the President and Washington Democrats face regarding their healthcare law. CNBC reports this morning that a survey conducted by Bankrate found that…
