
Press Release

Better Child Care for America’s Families

This bicameral and bipartisan bill reforms, simplifies, and better coordinates the current child care and development block grant program by increasing access to information, enhancing parental…

Leader's Blog

Breaking the Bonds that Tie Our Economy Down

Washington’s bureaucracy is outdated, inefficient, and unaccountable. These House reforms are obvious fixes to the country’s regulatory problems and will help bring our government into the 21st…

Leader's Blog

Unleashing North American Energy

The American energy revolution has been one of the lone bright spots in an otherwise beleaguered economy. But despite this abundance, the Obama administration is relentless in their pursuit to crowd…


The Hill: Week ahead: House GOP prepares barrage of energy votes

“We must enact policies that encourage an American energy revolution,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said in a memo to House Republicans earlier this month.

Leader's Blog

Leader McCarthy On The Record
