
Press Release

The House Passes A Death Blow to Obamacare

Finally, a bill that repeals the foundations of Obamacare and stops taxpayer money from going to abortion and abhorrent practices like dissecting babies for research will reach the President’s…

Press Release

Using American Rare Minerals is Good for Our Economy and Security

Today’s bill streamlines the permitting process for mining projects and requires the relevant federal departments to develop sources of these materials here at home.

Press Release

The Commander-in-Chief Put Partisan Goals Above the Well-Being of Our Troops

President Obama is trying to hijack a bipartisan bill to push for more special interest spending. He should remember that our first duty in government is to provide for the common defense.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Leads Letter to President Obama and Governor Brown Ahead of El Niño

This morning House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and every Republican member in the House of Representatives sent a letter to President Obama and Governor Brown on the state and federal…

Leader's Blog

Growing Threats Abroad? Time to Sign the NDAA

The Commander-in-Chief should never bargain with our defense. It is irresponsible and wrong. In the face of growing threats abroad, the President needs to make the right choice. Sign the NDAA.
