
Leader's Blog


Question… Did things change from a few days ago? The President seems to think so:

President Tells 13 Million Unemployed Americans The Private Sector Is Doing Fine… “The private sector is…

Leader's Blog

E-Mails Reveal Extent of Obama’s Deal With Industry on Health Care

Just making sure this hasn’t gotten lost in all the coverage of the President’s assessment that private sector is “doing fine.” ….


E-Mails Reveal Extent of Obama’s Deal With…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on House Passage of the Health Care Cost Reduction Act

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement regarding House passage of the Protect Medical Innovation Act (H.R. 436):

“There is bipartisan agreement in Washington…

Leader's Blog

Re: Mr. Jentleson’s Email Earlier Today

As Senate Democrats take to the floor today in a charade to criticize House Republicans for their job-creation efforts, let’s reacquaint ourselves with their failure of a record….

The Do-Nothing…

Leader's Blog

Who Are “Some Democrats”? … For 1,000, Alex

Apparently, “some Democrats” are disappointed President Obama has dropped his ‘theme” of blaming Congress for his failed record on the economy and jobs.

“Some Democrats” Think President…
