

The Hill: House to vote again on energy bills

“With gas prices still hovering near $3.50 per gallon and energy costs siphoning too much out of families’ paychecks, we must enact policies that encourage an American energy revolution,”…

Leader's Blog

The House’s September Agenda

For years, President Obama has tried to use Washington bureaucracy to fix America’s problems. He made a lot of promises – like a functioning and inexpensive health-care system, a successful…

Leader's Blog

Obamacare Continues to Harm the Job Market

While hardworking Americans are being squeezed all around, the President’s signature health care law isn’t just causing harm to the health insurance market. Obamacare is hurting the job market in…


Sacramento Bee: Field Poll: Obama’s popularity dives to record low in California

President Barack Obama’s approval ratings have fallen to a record low in California, with nearly as many voters now disapproving of the job Obama is doing as approving.

Leader's Blog

Labor Day

Labor Day

I would like to give a special thanks to all the small-business owners and workers, emergency personnel, and everyone else whose jobs don’t ever take a day off.
