
Press Release

Sign the Opioid Bill Into Law to Save Lives

As the opioid crisis continues to tear apart communities and break up families, we need the Senate to pass this bill and the President to sign it as soon as possible.

Leader's Blog

Surprise! Iran is Breaking the Nuclear Deal

This is not only delusional—it’s dangerous. Iran must be stopped, not rewarded. Iran must be held accountable, not allowed to continue violating UN resolutions and international norms.

Press Release

Financial Services Appropriations Holds Government Accountable

The House continued with the appropriations process today, implementing important accountability measures on executive agencies.

Leader's Blog

As Overdoses Surge, Leading House Democrats Backpedal From Prior Support of Opioid Solution

There is no excuse for Congressional Democrats’ about-face on this opioid legislation.

Press Release

House Passes Reforms for a More Competent Bureaucracy

These reforms will make our federal workforce more efficient and accountable to the people they are supposed to be serving.
