
Press Release

Free Trade is a Win for America

This is a big win for America, and I look forward to the economic growth and opportunities that increased free trade will bring.

Press Release

Today’s Ruling Doesn’t Change that Obamacare is a Failure

The only thing that is more disappointingly flawed than today’s decision on what Obamacare actually meant is Obamacare itself.

Press Release

EPA Power Plan Rules Hurt Poor and Middle-Class Americans

The House will not let President Obama enact his radical special interest agenda on the backs of middle-class Americans and everyone who is trying so hard to get out of poverty.

Leader's Blog

The House Demands the Facts on Massive Government Data Breach

Though we still don’t know the full extent of the damage, estimates of how many current, former, and prospective federal employees who had their data stolen quickly rose to 18 million. That number…

Press Release

The Numbers Prove It

Majority Leader McCarthy spoke at a Republican leadership press conference today outlining how Democrats are trying to block their own members from having a voice in the legislative process.
