
Press Release

As Senate Passes Keystone, President Should Reconsider Veto Threat

As the House looks forward to reviewing this legislation and sending it to the President’s desk, I urge the President to reconsider his veto threat and to not obstruct the people’s priorities.

Leader's Blog

The House Supports School Choice Week

Families should have a choice and options, because when parents are provided options, they can send their kids to the best possible school rather than being forced to send their children to the…

Leader's Blog

PHOTOS: Bipartisan Selma Screening

PHOTOS: Bipartisan Selma Screening

Just a few years ago, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy had the privilege of walking with Representative John Lewis through Selma, Alabama, on the same path of the Selma-to-Montgomery march that John…

Press Release

Energy Infrastructure for a Stronger Economy and a Safer World

Delay has become a hallmark of this presidency, but Americans are done delaying job creation by ignoring America’s energy abundance.

Press Release

Republican Leaders Recognize National School Choice Week

Republican Leaders Recognize National School Choice Week

School choice is about giving kids the opportunity to get ahead by letting families choose the best school for their children.
