Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 4820, the Combating Terrorist Recruitment Act of 2016:

“Extremist groups like ISIS have been able to grow rapidly due to their ability to radicalize individuals via online propaganda, even here at home. Today, the House acted to counter this trend by passing Representative Chuck Fleischmann’s (TN-3) bill which requires the Department of Homeland Security to use the statements of former extremists and defectors as a way to counter radicalization and recruitment. These testimonials will provide the department with effective tools to combat and counter violent extremist messaging efforts and prevent homegrown jihadism. This is the latest step the House has taken to help stop terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. We will continue to move forward not only to make America more secure, but the world as well.”