
Leader's Blog

Leader Reid Cheers Economic Growth?

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is “encouraged” by today’s rise in unemployment to 9.1%, and claimed the private sector is growing.

Harry Reid Claims Private Sector Is…

Leader's Blog

Debunking Debbie

Yesterday, three independent fact-check organizations called DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s attacks on the House GOP’s budget “false,” “bogus,” and “wrong.” Now the Associated…

Press Release

McCarthy: Debt Increase Without Spending Reductions And Reforms Is A Non-Starter

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement after the House rejected the President’s request to increase the statutory debt limit without…

Leader's Blog

DNC Chair Throws Truth To The Wolves

On CBS’s “Face the Nation,” this Sunday, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz continued her false attacks on the GOP budget plan.

DNC Chair Wasserman-Shultz Republican Plan Will “Throw…

Leader's Blog

The Weekly Standard: Thrown To The Fact-Checkers

NOTE: We checked with Michael Cannon, director of health policy at the libertarian Cato Institute, one of the experts cited by [DNC spokesman Hari] Sevugan as backing up Wasserman Schultz’s claim….
