
Press Release

Leader McCarthy: The EPA Doesn’t Need Anymore Power, the People Do

The EPA has crossed a line with this proposed water rule. It’s crossed a line constitutionally, and it crossed a line by hurting people and threatening their livelihoods and private property.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on Democrats’ Trade Filibuster

The decision by Senate Democrats to block this bipartisan bill from moving forward is disappointing and a step backwards for our already beleaguered economic recovery.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Fox: House Bill Balances Security and Privacy

“So now you have a protection for your privacy, but we still have the security of knowing when these terrorists are communicating to one another, that they have the ability to go in and find it.”

Leader's Blog

The House Doesn’t Lose Focus on National Security

The world is a more dangerous place than it was just a few years ago. Our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us. Now, we must do everything we can to keep America safe and strong.

Leader's Blog

A Saturday with Vin Scully

A Saturday with Vin Scully

This past Saturday was one for the books for the west side of Kern County. The Los Angeles Dodgers’ Vin Scully—the “man with the golden voice”—was in Taft, California, to commemorate a local…
