
Leader's Blog

Strong and Principled Foreign Policy: Leader McCarthy’s Three Principles

This is the second post in a series on strong a principled foreign policy. Please click here for the first post.

Success in foreign policy, just like domestic policy, must be governed by sound,…

Leader's Blog

Strong and Principled Foreign Policy: There is No Substitute for American Leadership

I believe that anyone who wants to lead in Washington must commit to America’s leadership among the community of nations and embrace America’s role and responsibility in preserving safety and…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on the Air: Washington Must Work for the People, Not Itself

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke on five major morning shows to discuss his conservative vision for America and making Washington listen to the American people.

Leader's Blog

Leader McCarthy Presents His Foreign Policy Vision

The world is a safer place when America leads.

Leader's Blog

Leader McCarthy Talks Conservative Leadership with Brett Baier
