
Press Release

McCarthy Launches WhipCast App

Washington D.C – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement announcing the launch of WhipCast, a revolutionary new app that gives Members of Congress, their staff…

Leader's Blog

Dem Leadership Comes Out Swinging Against A Balanced Budget

Ranking Member on the Budget Committee Chris Van Hollen joins Whip Hoyer in calling on House Democrats to vote against the balanced budget amendment on the floor this week. Keep in mind this is the…

Leader's Blog

McCarthy Launches WhipCast On Fox News’ “On the Record”

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) appeared on Fox News’ “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren to launch WhipCast, a revolutionary new app that gives Members of Congress,…

Leader's Blog

House Dems Revolt Against Their Leadership

Democratic Whip Hoyer has announced he will whip House Democrats to vote against the Balanced Budget Amendment on the House floor this week.

Hoyer Will Whip Against Balanced Budget Amendment….

Leader's Blog

Dem Fall Out Over President Obama’s Economy

Major policy disagreements are building a wedge between President Obama and Congressional Democrats. A growing number of Democrats on Capitol Hill are now refusing to express their support for the…
